In 2014, almost 80 percent of Nevada voters voted AGAINST the creation of a new business income tax that many businesses would simply pass along to consumers.
In 2015, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval made some slight changes to the proposed new tax and renamed it the “Commerce Tax.”
Shamefully, a number of Republican legislators teamed up with Democrats and passed this new tax.
Since then, jobs have been lost, consumer prices have been raised, and a number of companies have moved out of state.
In addition, even businesses that aren’t subjected to the new tax now must report to a new “Nevada IRS” every year.
State law allows Nevada voters to gather signatures to repeal this outrageous tax that was already once rejected by the overwhelming majority of voters.
A group of conservatives led by State Controller Ron Knecht are in the process of getting the 112,544 signatures needed to put a repeal of the Commerce Tax on the 2018 ballot. The deadline for submitting the signatures is June 19, 2018.
As a candidate who opposes the Commerce Tax – which my opponent, Assembly James Oscarson voted FOR – I support this repeal effort and have signed the petition.
And I urge you to add your name, as well.
You can sign the petition at the Nye County GOP headquarters in Pahrump. Check their website for office hours ( or contact Chairman Joe Burdzinski at (775) 727-2500 or email him at [email protected].
Or if you live outside of Clark County, you can contact Controller Knecht directly at [email protected] and get information on how to sign the petition.
In 2018, let’s repeal this tax and replace the tax hikers!